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Triple Spur Gear Chain Pulley Block

Specifications/Dimensions (mm)


MT 0.5 1 2 3 5 7.5 10

Number of Falls

  1 1 2 1 2 3 4

Hand Chain required to be passed
Over For Lifting Load through one metre

Metre(approx.) 52 52 104 104 152 228 288

Running Pull On hand chain

kgs. 13 26 28 43 49 50 61

Weight At 3 Metre Lift (approx.)

kgs. 21 21 30 35 60 88 126

Extra Weight Per Additional Metre
Lift (approx.)

kgs. 2.9 2.9 4.3 4.3 5.2 7.0 14.4


A B C D E F H MONO BLOCKS (not shown)H Thrust Bearing in Bottom Block H

0.5 Ton

460 210 180 210 195 31 550 500 580

1 Ton

460 210 180 210 195 31 550 500 580

2 Ton

560 240 180 210 195 37 665 620 760

3 Ton

625 240 200 210 195 42 759 635 825

5 Ton

810 320 225 275 270 51 885 780 1010
7.5 Ton 870 455 225 275 270 67 1000 935 1135
10 Ton 990 515 225 275 270 75 1120 1025 1240
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